What would be the consequences of failed negotiations over an electricity agreement between Switzerland and the EU? Researchers from EPFL and the University of St. Gallen have investigated this question within the scope of the "National Research Programme Energy", shining a light on how it will affect the Swiss electricity sector, overall economic development and the obtainment of climate goals.
Switzerland used to a be a major player in the European energy sector, but its influence is declining due to the expansion of the EU single energy market, which covers more and more economic and legal areas. "Switzerland has become more dependent on the EU, but this is less and less the case the other way round. Without an electricity agreement, Switzerland would be threatened with further exclusion as regards the regulation of key energy issues," says Matthias Finger from EPFL, summing up the current situation. Peter Hettich from the University of St. Gallen adds: "European law leaves little wiggle room in general, and this is also true of the energy sector in particular. If Switzerland continues to negotiate exceptions in legally binding areas, it may have to pay a high price politically."
All actors involved in the negotiations are in favour of an electricity agreement between Switzerland and the EU in the interests of safeguarding supply. Such an agreement would regulate cross-border electricity trading, harmonise security standards, provide free market access and allow Switzerland to participate in various European regulatory bodies. Currently, however, the EU considers the signing of an institutional framework agreement, including the dynamic adoption of legislation, to be a prerequisite for an electricity agreement. There is a lot less support for such an institutional agreement in Switzerland, and many actors feel it has no majority appeal.
In view of this, the researchers studied two contrasting scenarios: “direct Europeanisation” via a new bilateral electricity agreement between Switzerland and the EU, and “indirect Europeanisation” without an electricity agreement (for example through autonomous adaptations to the European legal framework).
"With or without an electricity agreement – a long-term energy policy that goes beyond the electricity sector is crucial to the energy industry, to economic development in general and to achieving our climate goals. But there is no such policy," Matthias Finger sums up. Peter Hettich specifies the consequences with regard to expansion of the renewable energies sector: "Today there is a tendency to look at issues individually and regulate them ad hoc. For many investors in renewable energies, however, reliable framework conditions overall have meanwhile become more important than just the issue of funding."
Matthias P. Finger und Paul van Baal (2020): Beziehungen unter Strom – Die Schweiz, die Elektrizität und die Europäische Union, Chronos Verlag, https://www.chronos-verlag.ch/node/27392
Prof. Matthias P. Finger
Chair in Management of Network Industries (MIR)
College of Management of Technology (CDM)
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Tel: +41 21 693 00 01
E-mail: matthias.finger@epfl.ch
Prof. Peter Hettich
Professor for public economic law as well as construction, planning and environmental law
Institut für Finanzwissenschaft und Finanzrecht (IFF-HSG)
Universität St.Gallen
Varnbüelstrasse 19
9000 St. Gallen
Tel: +41 71 224 29 43
E-mail: peter.hettich@unisg.ch
All information provided on these pages corresponds to the status of knowledge as of 05.12.2019.