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The impact of motivation and information

In order to change mobility behaviour in the direction desired, information and activities must be tailored as closely as possible to the target groups if they are to be effective. Used correctly, specific toolboxes and playful apps can provide support.

Carsharing: using vehicles together

The sharing of vehicles can significantly reduce both the number of vehicles on the road and the number of journeys. However, the degree of market penetration is still small and the various systems demonstrate differing levels of impact. One success factor is embedding such solutions in attractive public transport infrastructures.

Occupancy levels in private transport are too low

Generally speaking, occupancy levels for private modes of transport are low. In the case of commuter traffic in Switzerland, each car on average carries just 1.1 people. From an energy-saving perspective, the challenge therefore lies in increasing vehicle occupancy rates with appropriate measures.

Energy efficiency of freight transport

Global flows of goods have increased significantly with globalisation. At a local level, keywords such as same-day delivery and the growing volume of delivery vans make this clear: the importance of logistics will increase yet further in the foreseeable future. Freight transport will thus also become a challenge in terms of energy policy.

All information provided on these pages corresponds to the status of knowledge as of 18.07.2019. Publication details.