In many companies, there is considerable potential for reducing energy consumption. Yet measures to increase energy efficiency are often not introduced, even when highly profitable. This is the conclusion reached within the scope of this project, in which researchers from the Infras and Impact Energy consulting firms as well as the University of Neuchâtel investigated how companies in energy-intensive lines of business are trying to save energy. The researchers conducted a survey of 3670 so-called large-scale energy consumers (LSECs). These include companies in the cement and metal industries, but also paper mills and construction companies. More than 300 concerns completed the online questionnaire. The researchers then selected 26 of these companies for personal interviews, in order to confirm or reject their previous assumptions. In a last stage, the results of these two surveys were enhanced by means of five case studies in individual companies. Among other things, the researchers investigated the energy consumption and the energy efficiency measures already implemented by these businesses.