
The more than 100 individual and joint projects of NRP 70 and NRP 71 have identified a large number of factors that influence the acceptance of new technologies as well as social and political changes. These can be grouped into six challenges:

  • The legal framework
  • Individual assessments of costs and benefits
  • Personal values and individual living situations
  • Social norms and daily routines
  • The impact of information and the problems relating to its communication
  • The possibilities and limits with respect to the influencing of change processes

These and other interesting topics as well as specific recommendations for action were presented and discussed at the NRP 70 and NRP 71 closing event on the topic of “Acceptance”.


13:30 h Welcome / overall assessment
Andreas Balthasar, President of the Steering Committee of NRP 71
13:40 h The Energiezentrale Bern – a pioneering Swiss facility
Marcel Ottenkamp, Head of Energy Management, Energy Water Bern ewb
13:50 h Why do we send rockets to the moon but find it difficult to implement the energy transformation?
Florian Egli, Vice President of foraus, ETH Zurich
14:20 h Those who have a why can handle almost every how
The findings and recommendations for action with respect to the topic of “Acceptance” from the NRP 70 and NRP 71

Frédéric Varone, member of the Steering Committee of NRP 71 (F)
Andreas Balthasar, President of the Steering Committee of NRP 71 (D)
14:50 h Break
15:20 h The actions – how research contributes to acceptance with respect to shaping the energy transformation
Nadja Germann, Association of Swiss Electricity Companies (VSE)
Lukas Gutzwiller, Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE)
Magdalena Meyer-Wiesmann, Association of Swiss Municipalities
Lionel Perret, Swiss Eole (F)

  • Who is implementing measures where and how?
  • What are the focus areas?
  • Challenges, opportunities and obstacles
16:40 h Outlook
Andreas Balthasar, President of the Steering Committee of NRP 71
16:45 h Flagship projects presented online with nibbles and drinks
17:30 h Conclusion of event

